The Most Secure Exchange Possible


Insist upon fully encrypted processing, 24/7 visibility, and unlimited FDIC deposit insurance with Fyntex.

What Every Exchanger Should Know
Ensuring a Flawless Exchange
Secure Data | Funds

The 1031 exchange industry is largely unregulated. This is why it is critical that you ensure that your personal and transactional data, as well as your hard-earned exchange funds, are kept safe at all times.

  • Fully Encrypted Exchange Processing

  • Full FDIC Insurance for Every Dollar

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The Most Advanced and Secure 1031 Process Available
A New Exchanger Experience
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Understanding the IRS Requirements
1031 Exchange Rules
Tools for Empowering Exchangers
Tutorials and Analytical Tools
Perfecting the 1031 Experience
Our Leadership

We've assembled a unique cadre of experts from the technology, tax, and exchanging arenas to build the industry's most responsive, transparent, and secure 1031 solution.

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Want a Totally Tax Free Exchange?
How Much Property Should You Buy?

How Much Property Should You Buy?

It is important to understand how the math associated with a 1031 exchange can impacts your ownership. A completed 1031 exchange not only defers capital gain and depreciation recapture taxes, it also dramatically increases your buying power as well.

When considering a Replacement Property you need to know how much property value to acquire to successfully defer your capital gain and depreciation recapture taxes. To assist you, this nearby wizard will help you determine your ideal net purchase price, cash downpayment and the amount of debt you'll need to have a toally tax deferred transaction.


To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that the information posted at this website does not contain anything that is intended as legal or tax advice, and that nothing herein can be relied upon as legal or tax advice. Further, the IRS wants us to let you know that nothing herein can be used for the purpose of (i) avoiding tax-related penalties under the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending to another party any tax-related matter addressed herein. If assisting with your Section 1031 tax-deferred exchange, we cannot advise the owner concerning specific tax consequences or the advisability of a tax-deferred exchange for tax purposes. We recommend that anyone contemplating an exchange seek the advice of an accountant and/or attorney.
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